Long time no blog. I apologize to my readers, the three or four nice people who visit this humble abode where my cancerous thoughts thrive. I've been parasitically living off of blogs and web communities of other earthlings for these past few months... being obsessive, as usual. Now I feel like ranting, so here goes.


1. "Battlestar Galactica" The Complete Series DVD Set
Release Date: July 28th, 2009
Fan-frakking-tastic! According to The Live Feed blog entry, Season 4.5 DVD is going to include "13 hours of extras such as three extended episodes that never aired on television," as well as other fan cookies. THIRTEEN HOURS!

However, I'm a little disappointed by the design of the boxed set. I was hoping they'd somehow incorporate the BSG-style octagon trimming onto the box. Or have the seal of Galactica embossed. Instead, it is what it is--- a box. With a picture of the cast and the gleaming eye of a cylon slapped onto it. Not too impressed. I'm just hoping there is more to the box that we're not seeing from these released images.

2. Marvel Adaptations
They are making Spider Man 4. I want to snort derisively and ask if Spidey 3 didn't suck enough, but the third installment had swept its share of awards, including a BAFTA in special effects. I think my negative reaction toward Spidey comes purely from the fact that I'm growing wary of these Marvel movie adaptations. How many are there anyway? Eight? Ten?

But I'm really in no place to say such things. Much of the films that I love are adaptations from novels, graphic novels, and comic books. Like Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings Trilogy that I crazed over, scouring the internet for every little bit of behind the scenes information I can find, buying special collector's edition DVD sets and sitting through 10+ hours of commentaries. I love to rant on and on to my friends about the upcoming Tim Burton's adaptation of Alice in Wonderland (go here for a peek), or about the long awaited adaptation of The Road. Even the Ghibli Studio animation films that I worship, many of them are adaptations from existing literature as well. However, there is always a part of me that miss highly original contents like Pan's Labyrinth.

Why is it so DIFFICULT to write to professors!? It's been on my To Do List on about seven different post-its around my apartment and office for about seven months now. Seriously. I need to just sit the fuck down and fucking write.

I wish we had Netflix here in Korea. I've yet to find a decent DVD rental place, or even a store that sells a little more than just the usual Hollywood blockbuster movies. People seem to purchase everything online these days, something I'm trying to do a little as possible. I did see the complete DVD boxed set for FRIENDS the other day, and it was being sold for only about 130000 Won (approx. $100).

I dislike ending on an even number but I've nothing further to rant about. It's raining like hell and I love it. Time for some hot coffee, rain music, and quality weekend time with acrylics.

1 comment:

  1. maybe you can find something at an itaewon used book store or something
